Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Irrelevant Phrases

Remove from your lexicon phrases like “one of these days,” “If the weather holds,” or  ”new year’s resolution.”
It is early March and no-one talks anymore about their new year's resolutions. Have they been achieved? Only a few exceptional individuals have, for the majority it was ephemeral wishful thinking that vanished as fast as the beautiful fireworks in Lake Las Vegas
Desires fail to cristalize due to a lack of strategy and conviction.
Back in 1985 at the release part of my first book, Country of Dwarfs some friends and acquaintances told me:  ”One of these days I am going to write a book about my life too.”
27 years and two more books later, that "one day" has not come yet for those who spoke and sadly some have even passed away
When I relocated to Germany, I invited everyone to visit me and someone gave me the lamest excuse I have ever heard. “If the weather holds I’ll be there to see you.”
Seasons came and went and the forecast was never good enough for her during my time in Europe.
Those and many other useless phrases people easily utter may be gone, but not forgotten and we better not talk about something we are not ready to do. Any successful enterprise requires true will and commitment. It is not necessary to wait for a new year to start a project we envision. Talk about your goal when you already have a written plan in place that you are currently working on and ask your circle of people for advice and opinion if necessary.
If talk is cheap, dumb excuses are even more and that “one day” surely will never come if you don’t start working on what you truly want now. The day to start the completion of your dreams is today.
Time waits for no-one, no, not even you and it is time you eliminate the aforementioned phrases from your vocabulary once and for all
Take your planner, calendar, and agenda to start writing a detailed plan of action for what you always wanted and act!
Author Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay

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