Besides pets, most people can relate to an animal close to our behavior.
I never feared them, I fed them and they became my company and protectors in one of my most exotic treks. My 1990 winter exploration of the great North Germany area 50 Miles East of Flensburg, close to the border with Denmark
Geography and culture is very often what makes people closer to certain species.
Dinosaurs maybe extinct, but artists go to great lengths to portrait them in ice sculptures which thousands visit in Sweden
In Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico my niece, Estrella Navarro Holm closely study and photographs the hump whales diving next to them
In Australia, my friend and colleague Gisele Sedlmeyer has documented the life and habitat of the elusive Peruvian Condor in her three book series; Talon
They continue to be an intrinsic part of our lives as young adults, as the elks are for this couple in Armenia
Life without animals would be impossible for humans, we rely on them for cargo, transportation, sustenance, company…you name it. Preference for a particular specie is as varied as humans are and many of us have animal nicknames.
The mythical phoenix bird comes from the ancient Egyptian culture where we are told actually existed in the old days. It consumed itself by fire every 500 years and rose renewed from its ashes. Just like the dodo bird in the Mauritius island it became extinct for over hunting and abuse from the common predator of the animal kingdom, men.
My magical and nickname is Phoenix, but I am not constantly thinking in death and rebirth. I have an affinity with the wolf because, just like them…
The "lonely wolf" is capable to survive long periods of time in isolation and knows how to lick her wounds by herself
A wolf also functions well in "the pack" and can be friendly and sociable with those who are not intimidated by its presence
Yes, If I had to chose an animal to reincarnate I would be a wolf. What about you ? You may not have a pet or nickname, but you may have an animal affinity or likeness to relate to. So what would that be? Fell free to comment if you want.
My name is Ingrid, my middle name Ivanna, my nickname Phoenix, but I identify myself as Wolf and you can call me the way you wish; because either way I will always be Quintessentially Yours!
Author Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay
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