Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Excerpt of the Day

"On March 22, 1999, Frank Alexander mailed bombs to then-president Bill Clinton at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, District of Columbia and Evangelist John Hagge in San Antonio, Texas from a mail drop in Morgan City, Louisiana."
Frank Darwin Alexander, the American Terrorist

Selected from page #296 of Letters from Frank: An American Terrorist's Life.

I was a friend of Frank before I knew the crimes and atrocities that he committed. He was the only person that help and supported me during the darkest months of my life. I became his confidant and he gave me his permission to publish his life. I never approved his actions, but I understood why he carried them out. He has a common denominator with other domestic terrorists such as Timothy Mc Veigh or the Unabomber, he was abused and neglected as a child.

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