Is it possible at all to foresee the professional fate of a young prospect by her/his looks? Can we envision our future image in our younger days? To answer these questions I compiled the age progression of celebrities, public people, and historical figures we are all familiar with. In most cases these individuals were completely underestimated and wrongly labeled, not a chance to succeed were given by their contemporaries.
Many are hard to recognize according to their actual or last image we have from them, but in every case, famous or infamous all of them proved their detractors totally wrong. Judge for yourself.
A young aspiring actress who was initially hired just for her beauty and electric violet eyes and not for her hidden talent. Elizabeth Taylor
An arrogant, but brilliant student, Vladimir Oulianoff Lenin
This young student was leveled as lazy, slow learner, and daydreamer. He was rejected when trying to enroll at the Polytechnic College in Germany, Albert Einstein
A beautiful heiress from a rich family in Albania, Agnes Bolagio "Mother Teresa"
A young lawyer from an aristocratic British family, Mohandas Gandhi
This modest soldier from a humble family, volunteered for world war I and received the Iron Cross for his bravery. Adolf Hitler
Expelled from the seminary of the Catholic Church, a former bank robber, and police snitch, Josef Stalin
A young singer and aspiring actress was told by producers her nose and mouth were too big and unattractive to be a star in Hollywood, Barbra Streisand
This student was leveled as a stupid, too curious and who makes too many questions, but do not learn fast enough. Thomas A. Edison
This son of a poor family was educated by Jesuit priests and became a Lawyer, Fidel Castro
This young revolutionary was leveled as "only a big daydreamer," Ayatollah Khomeini
A pair of hippies that no-one took seriously back then, Hillary and Bill Clinton
A devoted student and Xhosa prince, who was told he did not had a chance for freedom in the Apartheid , Nelson Mandela
This young atheist and socialist Army Official was told he would never make it as a General, Moammar Gadhafi
Hated by his school piers, this young pioneer was told his politic reforms did not stand a chance. Vladimir Putin
This aspiring Opera singer was not given an opportunity until she dated Andrew Lloyd Weber, Sarah Brigthman
A black student preparing to be a social worker in Honolulu, Barack Obama
This proud Captain of sky divers was told socialism could not happen in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez
This young student had a lot of fun, even in jail and he is still laughing today. Bill Gates
This young Author and Journalist was told by the Mexican Authorities on the day of her exile: "You are free to go and have 24 hours to leave the country, but you will never write another book or publish a newspaper." Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay
The worst thing we can do to people is to discourage them from their dreams and put them down. Not everyone is strong enough to overcome huge obstacles in life as the individuals above and giving an opportunity or words of support is sometimes all a person needs to succeed. Always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, regardless how difficult to materialize their dreams may be.
Now, go to the photo album and select a pic from your youth. Compare it to your actual self and asked yourself is this is how you saw yourself back then. If your dreams are not fulfilled yet, keep working on them and remember that life is a constant work in progress.
The secret for aging gracefully from the people we reviewed is to never pay attention to those who try to put us down. Staying away from those with negative opinions and demeanor purifies our spirit and makes us stronger, because those detractors are the real underachievers in life.
Author Ingrid I. Holm-Garibay